Category Archive: Conversations

WEEKEND CHALLENGE: Tailoring Your Speech to Keep the Crowd Attentive

Have you given a presentation in which you felt half the audience was sleeping? In the July 2012 edition of Toastmasters Magazine, Tim Cigelske shares tips for overcoming this feeling in “Dealing With… Continue reading

WEEKEND CHALLENGE: Watch Your Crutch Words

What is your crutch word? What word(s) do you say so often people know that you will say it at least three times in a conversation? Crutch words are words or phrases that… Continue reading

Heroes, Gratitude, and Forgiveness: A Moving Night of Toastmasters Speeches

Last night’s meeting was AMAZING. After a very interesting Table Topics session on the Olympic Coverage, we moved into our speeches. Our three speakers completed various projects from the Competent Communicator book. It… Continue reading

A Great Conversation

As you are wrapping up your week, think of the conversations you have had with others. How did you feel after you left the conversation? Did you feel empowered, drained, or apathetic? Whenever… Continue reading

Communcation Challenge Feedback: Lessons Learned from a Toastmaster

This weekend, we challenged you to listen more intently during conversations. How did that go? We would love to hear from you and learn how your communication skills are improving. Since we are… Continue reading